Recent Projects

Recent uPVC Window and

Door Installation in Sligo

Full uPVC Window & Door Install

This was a large job consisting of a full home fit out with new uPVC windows & palladio doors with surrounding window frames to allow for extra light to the hallway. We used tilt & turn windows on the top floors and a stylish design on the lower floors.

uPVC Front Door

This installation by Westcoast uPVC was for an extra layer of warmth and protection against the Irish weather! We fitted a new uPVC door allowing a small area between the front door to help with heat and energy saving. 

Light Oak Triple Glazed WIndows

We are very proud to see these beautiful light oak windows fitted with the bright blue behind! These will allow for ample light to shine into this home in Colooney, Sligo. 

Complete Solid Roof Conservatory

We are extremely happy with this conservatory installation for a family in Skreen providing a wonderful abundance of light, warmth and comfort.

Double French Doors & Sidelights

Fully installed double French doors and sidelights opening the home up to the great outdoors!

Oak Triple Glazed French Doors in Sligo

Elegant, secure and stylish. Our recent install of this set of triple glazed French doors was a delight to complete.

Cream Composite Door Installation Sligo

A truly stylish and decorative installation by the team at West Coast uPVC Windows and doors – Stunning Cream Composite Door.

Triple Glazed PVC Window & Door in Sligo - Charcoal Colour

Looking for something a little different? How about stunning Triple Glazed PVC Window & Doors in charcoal?

Triple Glazed uPVC Windows and Doors Sligo - Grey

Another fabulous finish by the team at West Coast uPVC Windows and doors – Triple Glazed uPVC Windows and Doors in Grey

Door Installation Before & After Picture

We let the light in with this new white door with windows to replace the old doors in this Sligo door installation.

Triple Glazed Bog Oak Windows in Kevinsfort Sligo

New installation of a full house upgrade to Triple Glazed Bog Oak Windows in Kevinsfort Sligo.

New uPVC Windows & Doors at the Cluid Housing Agency Project in Longford

New installation of a full house upgrade to Triple Glazed Bog Oak Windows in Kevinsfort Sligo.

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